We have been in clinical research for the last nine years and we can proudly say that we have grown our client-base because of our relentless drive to meet our client’s needs. We provide study feasibility support, P.I. and site selection, regulatory support, site management, training, consulting and many more.
The company is primarily engaged in BABE/Phase II-IV & registry studies of many therapeutic areas like Cardiology, endocrinology, Orthopedics, Pulmonology, Ophthalmology, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Dermatology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, gynecology, infectious diseases and Oncology etc. We are in business with several major companies across the country and many overseas. After due consideration of Industries current needs and plans, we are sharing a short presentation to make you understand about our services and network across India. The terms of this presentation are perfectly tailored to fit your business context and needs.
In line with the foregoing relevant points, this proposal shall showcase how the company functions as a business, the various services that it offers to its clients, the proposed execution and implementation plan, and etc.